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  District One Concepts is a business that strives to capitalize on so many diverse aspects of life. All of the people that are responsible of making District One Concepts a success have such amazing minds and ideas; Through which we put together such systems and programs that one by one make all of our concepts work.

  We consider the home and room restoration concept to be our base. When we first started this company in 2008, we only had the intention of solely sticking with the Home and room restorations concept, under the name "District One Concepts".

  As we developed the entire make-up of the business, we quickly realized our potential. We developed a system to only hire the most respected and talented workers that cover every basis of home maintenance.

  We developed a system to create an estimate/assessment procedure to determine the cost of services, to assess all that we will need to satisfy the needs of our customers and to create a blueprint of the job at hand.

  We created a pricing guide of ALL materials that may be needed for the job at hand to give our customers the option of pure and total service based on what is desired.

   We have become very organized and have developed some of the most respected relationships in our time as a business. We take great pride in such valued relationships as well as all of our accomplishments.

 A deep passion for this business has been developed by all who make it work; and added to that is our pride and our potential to the equation. We understand the power of our potential.

  All things that we are passionate about; such as sports, entertainment, the outdoors and life itself has become major cornerstones for our business ideas. We have always lived by our motto "There is no stupid idea until it proves to be".

  Each time an idea is presented, the wheels of our minds immediately begin to spin and such methods are applied in the process of trial and error. For each concept that had failed, one had risen through the ashes; Yet the concept that has always been our "go-to" and remains our greatest success today is THE HOME AND ROOM RESTORATIONS CONCEPT.

  It is my job to tell you how better we are then the rest; And why you should choose us over "them", but the reality is, there is no "them". 

  No matter what aspect of your home or property needs tending to, we literally are the perfect package that you need. I say this out of pure confidence and experience of working with our workers who we've hand selected; Focusing first and foremost on their talents as well as their moral and social responsibilities that we feel will meet the ethical standards of both the customer and District One Concepts.


  Painters, Electricians, plumbers, dry-wallers and framers, flooring experts, door and window installers/repair, landscapers, Heating and cooling experts, roofers, cleaners, laborers and the rest of our roster remains on stand-by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year; All fully licensed and certified where certification is necessary. 

  Without question, We are the PERFECT solution to any multiple issues of your home/property or single issues that need definite tending to. Whether you are a homeowner selling your home and looking for ways to increase the value by restoring your property room by room, or a homeowner who just don't have the time nor energy to complete the job at hand, we are what you need!

  Whether you are a landlord dealing with the disrespect that a tenant has had for your property, or a tenant who just cant seem to get their landlords to fix anything to the living standards that you deserve; we have studied and researched the laws of the landlord and tenant act and can promise you that you WILL get the service that you demand!